
Paper accepted: 19th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts

03.04.2023 -

Anne Rother's paper has been accepted in the 19th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts (ARSO 2023).

Anne Rother, Gunther Notni, Alexander Hasse, Benjamin Noack, Christian Beyer, Jan Reißmann, Chen Zhang, Marco Ragni, Julia Arlinghaus, and Myra Spiliopoulou. "Productive teaming under uncertainty: when a human and a machine classify objects together".

More information:


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Dates for LAST ATTEMPT exams

03.04.2023 -

The date for the LAST ATTEMPT exams are:


- 10:00 

- 10:30

- 11:00 

- 14:00

- 14:30 

- 15:00

NOTE: Last attempt exams are offered exclusively for degrees that prescribe a last attempt, and state that this attempt must be an oral exam.

Important announcement regarding registration process:

In order to stay more compliant to the social distancing guidelines, the registration for the exam will be conducted slightly differently.

    Download, print, and fill out the examination registration form from the examination office. Fill all fields except the date and time.
    Submit the document to Mr. Knopke electronically Deadline 01.07.2023.
    The next available time slot will be assigned to you, and Mr. Knopke forwards the updated form to the examination office. You will be informed about the date and time for your exam.

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Invited talk in the Scientific Colloquium KMD


Summer Term 2023, April 5, 9:40 a.m.

Title of the presentation: Explaining Drug Recommendations with Deep Learning

By: Panagiotis Symeonidis


Zoomroom access data:
Meeting-ID: 674 3714 1415
Kenncode: 951623


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DM4BA verlegt - Übergangslösung SoSe 23


Die Veranstaltung "Data Mining – Einführung in Data Mining" (DM4BA) für Bachelor wurde vom Sommersemester ins Wintersemester verlegt. Die zugehörige Vorlesung wird daher auch nur im Wintersemester angeboten.

Studierende, die im Sommersemester 2023 die DM4BA belegen wollten, dürfen an die englischsprachige DM I Vorlesung teilnehmen; es wird eine deutschsprachige Übung angeboten, exklusiv für diese Studierende. Dieser findet vom 20.04.2023 bis 13.07.2023 wöchentlich donnerstags von 11:00 bis 13:00 Uhr in Raum G22A-210 statt. Die Anzahl der Plätze ist auf maximal 24 begrenzt. Es wird jedoch dringend empfohlen, den Kurs während des Wintersemesters vollständig zu besuchen. Weitere Einzelheiten werden in der ersten Übung besprochen.

Achtung! Bachelorstudierende dürfen sich nicht für die DM I Prüfung anmelden; Anmeldung zur DM4BA Prüfung wird auch im Sommersemester möglich sein.

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Inspection of Examinations / Klausureinsicht


Exam inspections / Klausureinsicht:


All students who wish to inspect their exams from the previous semester can do so on the 26th of April, 2023. Those of you who want to inspect your exam are requested to write to the person responsibe for your course in order to arrange a personal appointment.

Course Contact Person
Data Mining I &  II Vishnu Unnikrishnan
DM4BA Miro Schleicher
ITO Maik Büttner
Recommenders Noor Jamaludeen
WMS Christian Beyer


An appointment is required to arrange an exam inspection. The appointments will be offered on 26th April, 2023, and are non-transferable.

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Tutorial Mining and multimodal learning from complex medical data

06.03.2023 -

The proliferation of medical data and applications has increased the need for extracting useful knowledge that can be effectively used by the healthcare domain experts. The motivation of this tutorial is to address the complexity of medical data with specific focus on their temporal nature. While earlier tutorials in both AIME as well as other related venues such as KDD and ECML/PKDD have explored the application and utility of machine learning on medical data, there has yet been limited focus on the challenges emerging from the sequential and temporal nature of such data, as well as on the need for trust by the medical practitioners.

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Dates for LAST ATTEMPT exams in ITO

08.06.2022 -

The date for the LAST ATTEMPT exam in ITO is:

December 12, 14:00 and 15:00

NOTE: Last attempt exams are offered exclusively for degrees that prescribe a last attempt, and state that this attempt must be an oral exam.

Important announcement regarding registration process:

In order to stay more compliant to the social distancing guidelines, the registration for the exam will be conducted slightly differently.

    Download, print, and fill out the examination registration form from the examination office. Fill all fields except the date and time.
    Submit the document to Mr. Knopke electronically Deadline 25.11.2022.
    The next available time slot will be assigned to you, and Mr. Knopke forwards the updated form to the examination office. You will be informed about the date and time for your exam.

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Last Modification: 23.11.2024 - Contact Person: