Siddiqui, Zaigham Faraz


Predicting the post-treatment recovery of patients suffering from traumatic brain injury (TBI). Brain Informatics, 1-12, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015. URL

Learning Relational User Profiles and Recommending Items as Their Preferences Change. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, (24)02:31 pages, 2015. URL


Are Some Brain Injury Patients Improving More Than Others?. The 2014 International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health (BIH \'14), Warsaw, Poland., 2014.

xStreams: Recommending Items to Users with Time-evolving Preferences. 4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics(WIMS 14), Thessaloniki, Greece., 2014.


Mining perennial objects PhD thesis. 2013. URL


Where Are We Going? Predicting the Evolution of Individuals. In Jaakko Hollmén, Frank Klawonn, and Allan Tucker (Eds.), Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XI, (7619):357-368, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. URL

Discovering Global and Local Bursts in a Stream of News. Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 807--812, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2012. URL


Online Clustering of High-Dimensional Trajectories under Concept Drift. In Dimitrios Gunopulos, Thomas Hofmann, Donato Malerba, and Michalis Vazirgiannis (Eds.), Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, (6912):261-276, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. URL

Classification Rule Mining for a Stream of Perennial Objects.. In Nick Bassiliades, Guido Governatori, and Adrian Paschke (Eds.), RuleML Europe, (6826):281-296, Springer, 2011. URL

A data generator for multi-stream data. The second International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments, MUSE '11, September 5, 2011 Athens, Greece, 2011. URL


Tree Induction over Perennial Objects.. In Michael Gertz, and Bertram Ludäscher (Eds.), SSDBM, (6187):640-657, Springer, 2010. URL


Stream Clustering of Growing Objects.. In João Gama, Vítor Santos Costa, Alípio Mário Jorge, and Pavel Brazdil (Eds.), Discovery Science, (5808):433-440, Springer, 2009. URL

Combining Multiple Interrelated Streams for Incremental Clustering.. In Marianne Winslett (Eds.), SSDBM, (5566):535-552, Springer, 2009. URL

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